Arrivals and Departures Policy

To ensure that every child and their parent/carers receives a warm welcome on arrival and feel safe, secure we meet and greet you through the locked entry system at the main door. You are assisted in handing the care of your child to a specific member of the team. Prior to your child joining the nursery you will be requested to complete an ‘Authority to Collect Child Form’.

This records details of persons, other than parent/carers, who have your authority to collect your child from nursery. As part of our ongoing Safeguarding practice the Greeter ensures that any other person, not known to us, does not come in to the nursery. We ask you to do the same, even if you believe it to be another parent / carer.

Safeguarding Policy

At Learning Curve, we recognise our responsibility for all aspects of Safeguarding (Child protection). The safety of the children is our paramount concern and we recognise that all adults, including temporary, supply staff and volunteers have a full and active part to play protecting the children from harm and that anyone can make a referral. Safeguarding (Child protection) is a high priority for Learning Curve and plays a part in everything we do. It is an emotive and potentially contentious subject, but one that is everybody's business.

Our policy applies to all on site and working in the nursery, this includes supply and self-employed staff, contractors,
volunteers working with children, EYPs and Directors. We follow the procedures set out by the Local Safeguarding Children Board and take account of guidance issued by the Department for Children, Schools and Families. We will work closely with parents /carers in following these guidelines. All staff employed at Learning Curve are fully vetted with a current enhanced DBS.

A picture of children playing in cardboard boxes.

Positive Behaviour Policy

We aim to assist children to behave in socially acceptable ways and to understand the needs and rights of others. All children learn and grow in their understanding of socially appropriate and desirable behaviour. The principles guiding positive behaviour exist within the programme for supporting personal, social and emotional development. The policy is shared with staff, parent/carers and with the children to ensure that all are aware of what is expected from them. The variety and sequencing of our daily activities builds a comfortable rhythm into our day that provides a knowledge of what to expect which further contributes to supporting positive behaviour. As children work and play, the EYPs encourage:
a) respect and care of self, others, and the environment
b) the learning of self-control

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Learning Curve is committed to creating an environment that will value diversity and ensure that children their families and staff from all ethnic, cultural and faith backgrounds have equal opportunities, equal access and are treated with equal concern.

We aim to:

  • provide a secure environment in which all our children can flourish and all their contributions are valued, this applies to children with Early Support needs.
  • include and value the contribution of all families/carers to our understanding of equality and diversity
  • provide positive non-stereotyping information about gender roles, diverse ethnic and cultural groups and people with disabilities
  • improve our knowledge and understanding of issues of anti-discriminatory practice, promoting equality and valuing diversity
  • make inclusion a thread that runs through all the activities,
  • positively challenge all discrimination in terms of ethnic, cultural and faith backgrounds
  • acknowledge, promote and celebrate the diversity that exists in our society today

Curriculum: The curriculum offered in the nursery encourages children to develop positive attitudes about themselves as well as others who are different from them. It encourages the children to empathise with others and to begin developing critical thinking skills.

Employment: At Learning Curve posts are advertised and all applicants are judged against explicit and fair criteria. Applicants are welcome from all backgrounds and posts are open to all.

Learning Curve will take action against any discriminatory behaviour either by EYPs or parent/carers. Displaying of openly racist insignia, distribution of racist material, name calling, or threatening behaviour are unacceptable on or around the premises and will be dealt with in the strongest manner.

A picture of children playing in the classroom.

Food and Drinks Policy

Learning Curve Day Nursery regards snack and meal times as an important part of the day. Eating represents a social time for children and adults and helps children to learn about healthy eating. We cater for vegetarians, medical preferences, allergies, cultural or religious preferences by providing a bespoke meal for your child.

We ensure that we:

  • ask you about your child’s dietary needs including any allergies before they attend nursery.
  • record information about your child's dietary needs and that you sign the record to signify that it is correct.
  • regularly consult you to ensure that our records of your child's dietary needs - including any allergies - are up to date.
  • display current information about individual children's dietary needs so that all staff are fully informed about them.
  • implement systems to ensure that children receive only food and drink that is consistent with their dietary needs.

Late Collection Policy

Our opening and closing times are detailed in the nursery prospectus. It is our expectation that your child will be collected promptly. If you know that you are going to be late (due to unforeseen circumstances) you must telephone the nursery to inform us of your expected time of arrival. A late charge will be applied if you are consistently late.

Medication Policy

Prescribed medication, which is clearly labelled for your child, can be administered by the Senior team whilst your child is at nursery. You must complete and sign a Medication Consent Form. This must be handed, together with the drugs/medicines, to the Senior EYP, who will be responsible for the administration of the drugs/medicines. All drugs/medicines are stored as shown on the original container label, in a refrigerator or locked cabinet well away from the children.

A record of drugs /medicine given is made indicating the time, dosage and signed by the EYP administering the dose and witnessed by the Senior. You must sign the medication form to acknowledge the administration of the dose and sign again at the end of the session to confirm you have been informed of your child’s last dose of medication. If ongoing medication is required, for example asthma, then a ‘Health Care Plan’ will be completed for your child and held at the nursery.

If your child becomes ill while at the Nursery, EYPs will make every effort to make the child comfortable. The Senior EYP will contact you to arrange for the child to be collected and, if appropriate, ask permission to administer medicine (infant paracetamol or ibuprofen) in the case of a high temperature.

A picture of two children in the classroom.

Parent/Carer Involvement

Learning Curve believes that children benefit most from early years’ education and care when parents / carers and the Nursery work together in partnership. To improve our knowledge of the needs of your children and to offer support our intention is to engender ongoing dialogue with you. We actively encourage you to contribute your skills, knowledge and interests to the activities of the nursery. Your involvement is pivotal when it comes to your child’s learning and development. As such we provide opportunities for you to gain information of the curriculum offered in the Nursery and their learning and interests, in the Nursery and at home.

Evacuation Policy

We aim to make children, parent/carers and staff aware of Fire Safety. We have robust fire and evacuation procedure in place and have regular checks of firefighting equipment. This allows us to minimise the hazards and risks enabling the children to thrive in a healthy and safe environment. All EYPs in the Nursery are emergency/fire wardens for their own area. They are aware of fire risks in their area and other areas, the location of fire extinguishers and emergency exit doors. Areas are checked daily in accordance with the Fire risk assessment document.

On sighting a fire or suspecting a fire:

  • the fire alarm will sound and the nursery will be evacuated in a planned and safe manner.
  • the staff will ensure that the children and adult visitors are out of the building.
  • in a fire/emergency the Senior in charge on that particular day will be in charge of the evacuation.
  • the staff have registers which include all of your child’s details, in the unlikely event of the nursery not being safe to use after an evacuation, alternative arrangements will have been made for the children to be taken to a local place of safety. You will be notified of this as soon as possible.
A picture of our staff in the garden.

No Smoking Policy

Learning Curve has a no smoking policy in all nurseries. Parent/carers, staff and visitors are asked not to smoke in or around the grounds of the Nursery.

Change of Details

If any details you originally gave the nursery on registration change throughout the year, please pass them on to the Manager so that your child’s records are updated accordingly.

Privacy Policy

To view our Privacy Policy, please click here.

Complaints Policy

Learning Curve welcomes suggestions on how we can improve our nursery and gives prompt and serious attention to any concerns about the running of the nursery. We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate EYP or the Nursery Manager. If this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set of procedures for dealing with concerns.

To achieve the above, we operate a complaints procedure. We, as with all settings, are required to keep a 'Summary log' of all complaints. This is made available to you and to Ofsted inspectors. You may also contact Ofsted directly on: 0300 1234 234

Frequently Asked Questions